+49 (0)201 316843-0 info@manufactis.net

Product portfolio

A selection of our products

Consulting - Design - Spare parts - On-site service

We develop and provide standard and safety products as well as ergonomic solutions for your IS machine

Nothing should be in focus than the health and physical safety of your employees

Simply contact us with the article numbers you know and are used to

variables and wear parts

overhead manifolds with LED safety-lights and lifting devices

mechanical barriers

anti slippery coated step sheets and contact surfaces

handles / uplift assists

interference protection from moving parts and mechanisms

monitored pneumatic shut-off

QC and non-QC variables

high speed control block

on/off butterfly valves

and more - do not hesitate to let us know your request

You can find additional information about us and our product portfolio here:


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Your IS Machine Partner & Solution Provider

Contact us now!


manufactIS GmbH
Ruhrglasstraße 50
45329 Essen


+49 (0)201 316843-0


+49 (0)201 316843-29


manufactIS GmbH